Rope Furniture

DURAWOOD® Rope Chairs
DURAWOOD® Rope Rockers
Rope Furniture
So uniquely attractive you may not realize at first just how uncommonly tough our DURAWOOD®chairs are as well! The dense poly-lumber at the heart of this brawny outdoor furniture is not just exceptionally weather-resistant, it’s downright weather-defiant.
We call our DURAWOOD® furniture “Hurricane Proof,” and if we’re exaggerating at all, it ain’t by much, as in should your back deck blow down in an ugly storm like one of those we’re all too familiar with here on the Outer Banks, odds are your DURAWOOD® chair will still be sitting right there regardless! This great-looking outdoor furniture has gale-force gumption.
Oh, and one final note; should you ever find yourself in an actual hurricane, please refrain from going outside and testing your DURAWOOD® chair for its weather-hardiness. The chair will almost certainly fare just fine; you, on the other hand, could very well blow away …
Furniture Features & Benefits

- High-density polyethylene (HDPE) lumber made from recycled plastic milk jugs
- Unlike most composite lumber, contains no waste-wood
- Looks like painted wood, but with none of its inherent vulnerabilities to wear
- Heavier and more rigid than wood, with increased stability for outdoor use
- Never requires paint, stain, or sealant
- Does not absorb water
- Won't rot, splinter, crack, or attract termites
- Holds up to rain, salt spray, extreme temperatures, and heavy wind
- Easy to clean
- 316 Stainless Steel, a grade much stronger than traditionally used in porch furniture
- Marine-grade, holding up to harsh coastal environments
- Increased rust resistance
- Advanced strength at high temperatures
K Joint
- Our patent-pending interlocking joint connection expanding on the strengths of standard rabbet and dado joints
- Used for joints requiring the most stability/firmness
Dowel Joint
- Precision peg-and-groove connection
- Limits play at crucial connection points
Mortise and Tenon
- Interlocking peg/hole connection used in key 90-degree board-into-board joints
- One of the strongest, simplest woodworking joining techniques, dating back centuries